Thursday, August 7, 2008


God is still in the miracle business!!! We all know the greatest miracle of all is when a soul is filled with the Holy Ghost, and that we see often - probably not often enough; but, He promised signs and wonders would follow those who believe. Often we stop at the Holy Ghost and at times believe God for "the basics" not the radical! But it is time we get on about the Masters business and allow Him to work in our own behalf and on behalf of His people! This happened today - "...for this kind comes only by prayer and fasting..."
There is a man, (Bro. Jesse), in our church in Texas who went blind from diabetes and other macular degeneration complications. He was using a blind walking stick when we arrived in January 2008, but, he could see shapes and some light. As the days passed his sight worsened, until darkness covered his vision completely. He is on dialysis three times a week and a few months back, lost his brother to heart problems. Bro. Jesse is just 40 years old.
As you may imagine, much prayer and fasting has gone forth for Bro. Jesse, and he always comes to church with a sweet, humble and grateful spirit. Thankful to be alive, he always stands and gives a word for Jesus thanking Him for everyday and everything in his life.
He stood to testify this morning with tears running down his face and this is what he said: "Have you ever talked to a dead man church?" Nobody responded and he said: "Well you are talking to one now. When I was five years old the doctors told me I was going to die and that I had to take these heart pills for the rest of my life, but when I was 13, I threw them down the toilet and told my mom that if God was really God then he would show me; and church he did, because I stand here today to testify to you." He went on and said: "Today, I entered my kitchen this morning and could see my stove, then when I got to church I looked at Sis. Bacon and I could see her face, and Sis. Ceaser I can see your face and your hair - I can even see the little ponytail in the back of your hair."
As you can imagine, I thought the house would come down! I nearly fell off the piano chair I was sitting in to shout for joy! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!! God is great and greatly to be praised!
He is still in the miracle working business in AMERICA.
"...signs and wonders shall follow those who believe..." and Bro. Jesse dared to believe God - How about you?
God Bless you all!!!
Love in Christ Jesus ~ Sis. Bacon

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