Friday, July 18, 2008


We would like to think that upon her arrival to the Golden Gates, she heard a voice call, "My child!" As He wiped the tears from her eyes and said, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. " Welcome Home."


Samantha and Stephanie said...

tell my mom we said hello. nice video carey!

Darla said...

What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful virutous woman. I think the phrase "yesterday's influence" is so appropriate. I remember her many years as my sunday school teacher. I also remember her worshipping God in her special way. What a sweet spirit she possessed. She will be missed but her influence will continue in all of us who loved her.

debbie said...

I will always remember Sis. Paltza as dear Sis. Wolff. She was a great
S.S. teacher even when we were not
the best students!She lived what
she taught and was a wonderful example of holiness and worship.
I will always remember her for her dedication to the Lord and the house of God.

Sis. Elkins said...

I have many memories of what a great Christian example her life was.Just one small one is when she entered a contest hoping to win enough to buy the church a bus, when she had very little herself.I hope she get's a speceal mansion up There. She was a talented artist. I am fortunate enouth to own one of her paintings.
Sis Elkins

Buck said...

It was a blessing to be her son-in-law but she made me feel like a son. She was indeed one of God's special creation and her life touched many .Mom always found only the good in everyone.The legacy will live on in all her sunday school students.

Doug and Kathy said...

The legacy left by not only Sister Paltza, but by Grandma Stevenson, has already been successfully passed down to their children and grandchildren. May God continue to bless this ministry and the faithful who serve at this level of spiritual magnitude. We thank God that she enriched our lives.